Pancasila Student Profile

1. Have faith, fear God Almighty, and have noble character
Indonesian students who have noble character are students who have character in their relationship with God Almighty. Pancasila students understand the teachings of their religion and beliefs and apply this understanding in their daily lives.
The key elements of faith, fear of God Almighty, and noble character are religious morals, personal morals, morals to humans, morals to nature, and state morality.
2. Global diversity
Indonesian students maintain their noble culture, locality, and identity, and keep an open mind in interacting with other cultures. The behavior of Pancasila students fosters mutual respect and allows the formation of a new culture that is positive and does not conflict with the noble culture of the nation.
The key elements of global diversity are recognizing and appreciating culture, intercultural communication skills in interacting with others, and reflection and responsibility for the practice of diversity.

3. Gotong royong
Indonesian students have the ability to work together, namely the ability of Pancasila students to carry out activities together voluntarily so that the activities carried out can run smoothly, easily and lightly.
The key elements of gotong royong are collaboration, caring, and sharing.
4. Independent
Indonesian students are independent students, namely Pancasila students who are responsible for the process and learning outcomes.
The key elements of independence are awareness of oneself and the situation at hand and self-regulation.

5. Critical Thinking
Students who think critically are Pancasila students who are able to objectively process information both qualitatively and quantitatively, build relationships between various information, analyze information, evaluate, and conclude.
The key elements of critical thinking are obtaining and processing information and ideas, analyzing and evaluating reasoning, reflecting on thoughts and thought processes, and making decisions.
6. Creative
Creative students are Pancasila students who are able to modify and produce something original, meaningful, useful, and impactful.
The key element of creativity is generating original ideas and producing original works and actions.