Lately there’s been a lot of news about irregularities being committed by students. With easy internet access, we can now see problems that occur in students in Indonesia. Through the internet, several years even in recent months, we have seen many cases such as bullying by elementary, middle, and even high school students, cases of rape by students, pregnancy out of wedlock, drugs, brawl, disrespect, can’t respect each other and others. Not only students, deviant behaviors are also carried out by political elites who are widely reported to have been entangled in corruption cases adultery, accusing each other and spreading lies among elites, and so on.
Before discussing further, the author will give a little explanation about character building. Education according to the Constitution Number 20 Years 2003 Article 1 Paragraph 1 states that education is a conscious effort and planned to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength, self-control, personality intelligence, noble character, and skills needed by himself, society, nation and state. Actually, Indonesian character education has been embedded in Pancasila. The five basic precepts of this country have deep meaning for create national character.
Where is the root of the problem? In facing this challenge, the role of the family, the role of schools, the role of teachers, the role of government, the mass media and the environment are very important role in character building. The main socialization of a child is his family. With a family that applies or instills a character that good, it will form the character of a good child. Parental supervision of children in the modern era like now is also very important and must be intense because the presence of gadgets. With this gadget, there is much that a child can access if there is no filter in the supervision and provision of good moral values This gadget will form a negative character to an individual. When Entering school, the environment also plays a role in character formation this, especially the teacher. Teachers are also parents who are at school and are very influential role in the formation of individual character. However, oftentimes, teachers slowly kills the good character that exists in the individual. Often teachers turn off a child’s confidence, look more at the end result or grades in exams or homework as an indicator of intelligence without appreciating the process carried out by individuals and also the lack of instilling existing character values in Pancasila. Pancasila is only taught as memorization and is not interpreted and interpreted well implemented. As a result of this small thing, giving rise to seeds corrupt, easy to lie, and so on. Shows on television too affect the formation of character. This is where the government has to play a role in holding good and educational television shows or shows for children. The government must also be an example and a figure of good character and morals for his people. All aspects are interrelated and play an important role, as said by Talcott Parsons about the theory of Functionalism, that all have roles and influence each other.
Unfortunately, this swift current of globalization has not been able to be fortified with Good character education tends to be neglected or even slowly dies. By Therefore, there needs to be awareness from all parties that character education is very important important for the good future of the nation. The education that Ki Hadjar Dewantara wanted where education must be instilled with human valuesthe good one. Also education is said by Tan Malaka that education is to sharpen intelligence, strengthen the will and refine feeling. Education is important for the creation of intelligence. However intelligence without good character or morals, then intelligence will be in vain.