At a TEDx conference that took place in Chisinau in 2015, Dr. V. Chandra Mouli, adolescent sexual and reproductive health expert from World Health Organization (WHO), stated “… although the world has changed in a big way, in terms of sexuality education, very little has changed”. Six years have passed, but the statement Dr. Mouli is still right to affirm the actual reality. In most countries world, the quality of sexuality education is still very low.
The reality of the low quality of sexuality education is experienced by writers and other young people from generation to generation. Absence or inadequate sexuality education and the lack of professionals as sexuality educators causes the younger generation to be more utilizing perfunctory learning resources such as peers, books, magazines, films, and the internet to satisfy a natural curiosity about sex. Therefore, it is time pay serious attention to sexuality education in the global educational culture and especially national.
It has become a common awareness that the world of education faces serious challenges terrible during this covid-19 pandemic. Distance Learning (PJJ) or Learning from Home (BDR) gave birth to digital education innovation by empowering the latest technology in education in the field of communication and information while accelerating the digitization of education. According to Ministry of Education and Culture (2021:15), the use of information technology and communication by an educated community is an indication of the transition from society to industry to the information society as a result of technological developments. In the middle enthusiasm for the development of learning methods and media through the digitization of education, The author is moved to voice the need for the transformation of Indonesian education in the realm of education substantial. In fact, this should be prioritized as an antidote to the risk of dictatorship digital technology and improve the quality of education in Indonesia. One form Substantial transformation of education is to improve the quality of education sexuality , both formal and informal. The author argues that sexuality education During the COVID-19 pandemic, this is an urgent matter.
Sexuality Education
According to Carter V. Good, as quoted by Anwar (2015:21), education is a the process of developing one’s skills in the form of appropriate attitudes and behavior with the people. He also sees education as a social process through the environment guided behavior that influences a person to achieve social skills and develop himself. Carter’s definition is, in the author’s opinion, insufficient and ineffective in the world modern times when global society is increasingly being challenged to criticize assumptions and determinations culture that is lived exclusively in its own society. The definition of education that more progressive can be obtained from Freeman Butt. According to him, education is not only activities of giving and receiving knowledge, but also the process of growth, reconstruction and reorganization of experience, as well as adjustment to modern life (in Anwar, 2015:24).
Starting from Freeman’s definition of education, sexuality education means a process inculcating knowledge about sexuality; growth, reconstruction and reorganization experiences related to sexuality, as well as adjustment to the facts of sexuality in the world modern. Meanwhile, sexuality means everything that determines or relates with one’s manhood and femininity (Konseng, 1995). This is stated more explained by Pratiwi: sexuality is related to experience, appreciation, and self-expression as a sexual being. Sexuality is the way a person is a sexual being think, feel, and act (2010:6). Thus, sexuality is distinguished from sex (gender or biological determination that determines a man or woman) and gender (a person’s appreciation of his sexual relativity) at the same time includes both. According to Ghosh, as quoted by Pratiwi (2010: 7), although sex and gender can be separated, sexual identity and gender identity are inseparable. Thus, that sexuality itself can mean biological, psychological, and socio-cultural.
Sexuality education is absolutely necessary and a prerequisite for success education. This is implied by Stefania Giannini (2019) from UNESCO. He stated, “A good education should go beyond the traditional academic focus; it must also support young people to develop the knowledge, skills, and ethical values they need to make conscious and healthy choices about relationships, sex and reproduction”.
Why is sexuality education necessary? More or less, we can say three reason. First, the rise of cases of sexual violence, free sex, pregnancy out of wedlock, early marriage, and gender-based violence. Basically, these phenomena are related to each other other and commonplace in the era of globalization. Bombardment of lifestyle and promotion of autonomy individuals from globalized Western civilization will continue to give birth to such cases as long as the younger generation is not provided with adequate sexuality education. Second, the lack of public understanding of sexuality as a result of misconceptions, stigma, and prejudice old culture. All three are serious obstacles to sexuality education efforts.
Globally and nationally, sexuality education does not have a better place appropriate in educational culture. In Indonesia itself, sexuality education goes well shuffling. The author sees that there are more or less four things that hinder education sexuality in Indonesia. First, sexuality is seen as taboo to talk about. Second, there are prejudice that sexuality education actually promotes free sex and exploration other inappropriate sexual pleasures. Third, sexuality education is seen only suitable for girls and young girls while boys don’t need it sexuality education. This view is inseparable from the construction of gender who views Men are strong and rational while women are weak and easily controlled by feelings. This matter not in harmony with the reality of sexuality that is closely attached to humans, both men and women and recent media coverage related to the presence of men (children and adolescents) who are victims of sexual harassment
Fourth, the scope of sexuality education material so far is very limited. shallow, and gender biased. Formal sex education generally only talks about sex and reproduction. Meanwhile, informal sexuality education is still fixated on abstinence only education. This model of sexuality education is limited to repeated messages for young people to restrain sexual urges (not to have sex) until legalized through marriage (Kohler et al, 2007: 345) and has been shown to be ineffective (Pittman and Gahungu, 2006:71). On the other hand, homophobic tendencies make sexuality education materials (including sex and gender) is limited to the sexuality of heterosexuals so that by itself denying the right of LGBTQ children and youth to receive education regarding their sexuality different. These four things, in my opinion, reflect a cultural unpreparedness (cultural unpreparedness).
The Urgency of Sexuality Education in the Midst of a Pandemic
Sexuality education during a pandemic is urgent. Author’s opinion, There are four phenomena that show the urgency of sexuality education in the midst of a pandemic covid-19. First, social restrictions are sexual restrictions. Development psychosexual and human social go hand in hand. Distance learning that separates students from their peers are not ideal conditions for the sexual development of children children and adolescents so that sexuality assistance is absolutely necessary. Second, the house is not always safe. Based on a report by Media Indonesia (12/19/2019), cases of sexual violence recently, it was done by the closest people. without understanding of sexual education, children will find it difficult to resist treatment the deviant. On the other hand, as stated by Dr. Boyke Dian Nugraha in (20/04/2016), with sexuality education, children know the behaviors that classified as sexual harassment so it can fight. Third, accelerate digitization education that occurred during the covid-19 pandemic also means greater opportunities children and adolescents to be exposed to pornography which has a negative effect on appreciation sexuality.
Sexuality Education Efforts, “PR” Education Transformation in the Pandemic Period
How to pursue sexuality education? The author offers four solutions. First, criticism and cultural transformation. Our local and national culture tends to cover up sexuality. Talk of sexuality is taboo. Sexual expression individuals are excessively disciplined by religion and society. Save the author, at In this modern, global and digital era, the main thing is not sexuality discipline but rather “humanization of sexuality education”. Since at home, parents must be sexuality educator for children. This can be applied by responding to the child’s curiosity about sexuality appropriately and build positive attitudes of children towards their sexuality alone. One thing that is also urgent in this sexuality education is education gender. Classrooms should not cultivate gender-biased views. Participant Students also need to be equipped with openness to accept others with gender expression non-binary.
Second, comprehensive sexuality education. Tettamanzi, as quoted by Lina, (2017:337-338) shows a close relationship between sexuality and one’s self or personality (persona) in three ways: (1) sexuality is the way someone exists; (2) sexuality involving a person’s personality totally; (3) sexuality with interpersonal character. Third this explains the need for an integrated awareness and appreciation of sexuality in all aspects of human life. With this, an educational model is needed broader sexuality than just teaching about sex, reproduction, and ways avoid sexual problems. The abstinence only education model must be replaced with comprehensive sexuality education. As Giannini stated,
Comprehensive sexuality education is not just about reproduction, family planning
and safe sexual behaviors. It also includes positive aspects of sexuality, such as
love and relationships based on mutual respect and equality. It includes discussions
about values, rights, culture and gender, about power dynamics based on race,
gender, ability or sexuality and how to recognize, challenge and change harmful
gender norms (2019).
Third, the development of digital literacy. Digital literacy is the ability to use digital media, communication tools, and networks in finding, evaluating, use digital media, communication tools, and networks in finding, evaluating, responsible for daily interaction and communication (, accessed on November 18, 2021). In this digital era, the need for digital literacy is a necessary for the realization of positive interaction and communication. In terms of education sexuality, digital literacy helps individuals ward off pornographic content.
Fourth, digitizing sexuality education. According to Strasburger and Brown (2014), Sex education in the 21st century needs to accommodate advances in communication media technology which has become an essential part of the lives of young people. He proposed the procurement of materials sex education and discussion forums through digital and social media. The advantages of sex information Internet-based means that it is freely accessible, updated according to research and discoveries up-to-date, inclusive, and can be an antidote to negative sexual content. Suggestion Strasburger and Brown is very actual to be applied in sexuality education today and is a significant contribution to the realization of a virtual ecosystem that constructive. Virtual ecosystems are formed from the reciprocal correlation between humans and digital devices in the learning environment (Nabung, 2021: 115). Furthermore, Strasburger and Brown caution to avoid misinformation, needed professional supervisors to direct youth to credible and accurate sites. However, in order to attract attention and increase the confidence of young people to To take advantage of this digital sexuality education, young people themselves must be involved in content management, promotion and distribution.
In conclusion, education is an effort to develop all potential individuals to grow and develop in an integral, mature, and adaptive manner. Because sexuality is an essential part of personal-human reality, education must provide sufficient space for sexuality education. Sexuality is related to humans which is not only the body but is the body. In the midst of the digitalization of education that To become an icon of educational adaptation during this pandemic, sexuality education is an important thing urgent. Sexuality education efforts can be done by: (1) criticism and transformation culture, (2) comprehensive sexuality education, (3) digital literacy, and (4) digitalization sexuality education.